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Special Advisors,
Partners and Sponsors 


Ian Redmond OBE   



“I am a naturalist by birth, a biologist by training, and a conservationist by necessity." 

 Ian Redmond

Ian Redmond OBE is a tropical field biologist and conservationist, renowned for his work with great apes and elephants. For more than 30 years he has been associated with Mountain Gorillas, through research, filming, tourism and conservation work. Ian founded Ape Alliance in 1996 to encourage conservation organisations to work together.


Putting conservation principles into practice, he has led anti-poacher patrols, guided film crews and/or special interest tours into close encounters with gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, elephants and erupting volcanoes, and worked to support local conservationists during the horrors of Rwanda’s and D.R. Congo’s civil wars. Under-cover investigations led him to play the role of a potential ape-buyer in order to infiltrate a poaching ring in Congo-Brazzaville and more recently a potential Coltan dealer in DRC. His work on behalf of animals was recognised in 1996 with the presentation of the PAWS Humane Achievement Award, at a ceremony in Hollywood, California. He was appointed OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2006, served as Ambassador for the UN Year of the Gorilla 2009 and is currently an Ambassador for the Convention on Migratory Species.


Waheed Al Fazari 



Head of Wildlife Division, Diwan of Royal Court

Office for Conservation of the Environment

Major: Bachelor in Environmental Biology.

Minor: Chemistry.  Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.

- Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, NIOZ
- Wetland International Waterbird counting of the Oman coastline

(Barr Al Hikman)
- International Avian Research, Office for Conservation of
Environment, Peregrine Fund (Madagascar) and Natural Research (NR)
- Main Researcher in The Survey of Sooty Falcons (Falco concolor)

on the Islands of the North Oman Coast.


Mali Ole Kaunga


Director, Convener of PARAN

Founder, Director OSILIGE ( HOPE ) - IMPACT

(Indigenous Movement for Peace, Advancement and Conflict Transformation)

- ILO (International Labour Organisation - specialised Agency under the UN), WIPO Maasai Cultural Heritage, UNESCO Traditional Knowledge and Climate Change

- CI Indigenous Advisory Group

- Extensively published articles on indigenous peoples issues, education, heritage and cultural expression, social justice, and traditional knowledge.


Dr. Susan Canney   

MA (Cantab), MSc, DPhil (Oxon)           


Director of the Mali Elephant Project, WILD Foundation & International Conservation Fund of Canada

Research Associate, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford

Trustee, Tusk Trust

Judge, Tusk Conservation Awards

Member, IUCN African Elephant Specialist Group

Member, Science and Conservation Committee of the Sahara Conservation Fund

Member Expeditions Council, Oxford University

Co-Author 2nd edition of “Conservation”, Cambridge University Press

youtube Dr Susan Canney Mali Elephant Project

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Simon Trapnell



Director - Nature in Art Museum, UK

Board member - Interclimate Network

Trustee - Global Dimension Trust

Board member - Gloucestershire Development Education Centre

Trustee - International Centre for Conservation Education

Rep. The Environmental Agency of Ghana, UK


NIA is the worlds first museum dedicated exclusively to art inspired by nature. The collection includes works from 60 countries and cultures by over 600 artists, spanning more than 1500 years.


The collection has twice been specially commended in the UK National Heritage ‘Museum of the Year’ Awards.

LIFELINE is proudly affiliated with the Nature in Art Museum UK

Dr.Laurie L. Marker 

Dr.Phil BAsc 

Namibia / USA

Founder and Executive Director, Cheetah Conservation Fund, 

-Species Coordinator, Cheetah African Preservation Program

-Vice-chair, Conservancy Association of Namibia

-Steering Committee, Namibia University of Science and Tech.

-Steering Committee, Greater Waterberg Complex, Namibia

-Adjunct Professor, University of Omaha, Nebraska

-Executive Director/Research Fellow, NOAHS Center, National Zoo, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC

-Founder, Keeper of the International Cheetah Studbook

-Core group member, Species Survival Commission’s (SSC) Cat Specialist Group, WCU


Numerous awards and publications on conservation biology, genetics, wildlife management, agriculture, biodiversity, human dimensions/community based natural resource management

youtube. Dr Laurie Marker TEDx What if we lost the Cheetah

Dr.James Robinson 

PhD Bsc                                          


Director of Conservation, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT)

WWT Executive Management Board


PhD in Seabird Ecology, BSc in Biological Sciences


RSPB Director for Eastern England

RSPB Head of Nature Policy

Director RSPB Northern Ireland

Conservation Manager RSPB Northern Ireland

Head of Wetland Biodiversity WWT

Lecturer Bishop Burton College

Research Assistant University of Durham


Research Biologist, Falklands Conservation

BTO surveyor Dr James Robinson Interview RSPB

Dr.Thorkil Boisen 



Ph.D. (energy and environment) Technical University of Denmark, alternative handling of wastewater and human waste. (biology) University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Specialist in Environmental Mutagenicity


- SEC. Waste Water Society of Denmark

- European Environmental Mutation Society

- The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

- Greenland Fisheries Industry School (ATI), Greenland.

CEO Aqua Baltic, Bornholm, Denmark.


Private consultancy specialising in environment and organic food production

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